Image credit @Ashika

Air we breathe is the most important component for our life. The quality of air decides the health of an individual. Health of an individual decides the growth of a society. Growth of a society decides the development of a Nation.
Status of air in India
In India places like Delhi, Patna, Gwalior are the most polluted. The quality of air that the people breathe in such places is the worst compared to other places in our country. Rising levels of PM - Particulate matter in the air that surrounds us threatens not only us but also the children. Luckily people in such cities have found a solution for the problem. The solution for such threatening problem was not planting trees but fixing air purifiers starting from the house to public places such as schools, offices etc. The total market for air purifier in India in FY 2015–2016 was estimated as 40,000 units. It is forecast to grow at least three times to 1,00,000 units by the end of the current financial year.

 Is a technologically driven solution like that of fixing an air purifier can change the environment around us ? Or whether it could bring in the change for a better air in the future? The answer probably is no.
Trees play a major role in purifying the air around us and are the main natural carbon sinks.
Why do we need trees?
Air cleaning
         Trees produce oxygen which intercepts airborne particulates and reduce smog enhancing the health of the environment. The urban canopy contributes to meeting a city’s regulatory clean air requirements.
Energy conservation
         A tree is a natural air conditioner. The evaporation from a single tree can produce the cooling effect of ten room size residential air conditioners operating 20 hours a day.
Tree saves water
         Shade from trees slows water evaporation from thirsty lawns. Most newly planted trees need only 3 liters of water a week. As trees transpire they increase atmospheric moisture.
Trees provide shelter
         Trees such as Banyan, Pipal tree etc having a larger canopy could shelter different species of birds. A mini ecosystem is created. The birds, bees intern act as pollinators.
“Trees are the earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven” said Rabindranath Tagore. Planting a sapling and protecting it is the most important thing than having 1,00,000 units of air purifiers. Planting a single sapling of tree and protecting it for few years so that it manages to survive itself can be a game changer to our Nation.

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