My Suicidal Note
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Hi to all, I refer myself as Prince lonely toad. My father used to call me Mr.Toad and my mother named me as Little prince frogger. We are a wanderer and I belong to a large family with 12 siblings. I am the youngest kiddo of all. My family often worries about my future because of my physical dissimilarities with other members. Yes, I am a differently-abled spirit with one functional leg and an eye. I never thought that life would be so difficult until that day. The day and the events pushed me to take this extreme step. Now, I am giving up my hope of living. Yes, this is my suicide note and I am about to quit. In general suicide note will punish the accused listed in it, but like a frog (As a relief measure to all my fellow readers, I am just a frog but not a human being), I am so powerless to punish those accused. Besides these all, I wrote this letter to feel u all guilt and make my death reasonable to all vulnerable powerless section. Causes of death and accused are listed in the letter itself. Please find it.
Cause of death
The first event that derailed my hope occurred last night. We as a family plan for an outing to a nearby public park. I was lying on the ground with lots of excitement. This usual feeling of happiness left me sleeplessness. All of sudden I was able to hear some whispering voice of my parents and I was excited to hear the essence of it. As usual, the talk centre’s around our future in general and more specifically about me. They discussed all possible reason that could deform me. Yes, all causes sprouted from environmental pollution caused by human beings. The pollution which caused stress on zygote and ended up into disabilities. Besides these, they had devised a plan for a better future of my siblings. It is to desert myself in the park and move to some new place. I realised that as a wandering species I have been burdening my family all these days. Now I again left sleeplessness due to the unusual feeling of unhappiness.
Next step towards quit: Everyone of my family members looks fresh, happy and well prepared to lessen their long-standing debt/burden. But I was in great fear and worried. Everyone enquired about my sadness but I remained speechless. Mindlessly I prepared myself to live on my own way, not as an option, but under pressure. We left our home and reached the park. Strangely, the Park was bit empty that day with few humans, including few senior persons, adults and children’s and a deserted pregnant elephant. We as a frog family jumped slowly and steadily headed towards the pond to catch some fresh insects. The elephant, in the park, was a light of hope to me because I might be abandoned at any time like that elephant so I keenly watched its activity. As per my observation Humans shows deep love towards elephant and feeds it with food. Likewise one human feeding it with some kind of fruit and it happily ate it with love and trust. I learned that trust with a human would get me food daily. All of sudden with a blast sound that elephant flattened on the ground and died on the spot. That blast not only killed the elephant but also the trust I developed towards human beings. I felt jealous of that little fetus (unborn) baby elephant, it was so lucky that it escaped from living like an animal in this world. This time I realised the complexity of abandoned living.
The final event that created a strong sense of fear being deserted is happening right at the moment. No one of my family worried about elephant death and do continued insect hunt happily. We stayed inside the dense bushes peripheral to a pond. Lotus bloomed all over the water surface which gives landing space for water birds. These birds feed on fishes, insects and also frogs. We share a prey-predator relationship in this ecosystem. We could sense some movement in the densely populated bushes. Due to my inability, I couldn’t able to see a lengthier, brown colour snake that approaches us. All other fellow frogs sensed it earlier and started running around (sorry, it’s jumping but not running) the bushes to hide safely. I am now accidentally abandoned in the crisis situation.
Predator is approaching a disabled prey. I can’t move even a bit without others help, at the same time it is impossible to stand against snake. We are separated by some meters. Here I am accepting my death, I have very little time in this world so I am going to register all minor actions occurring around snake and I. Surprisingly predator i.e. snake and the prey i.e. prince lonely toad shares similarities like glassy skin, feeding habit(Carnivores )and methodology. But this elongated creature is legless and I am having one leg. Am I superior to snake?. Shall I fight against snake?. Wowwww, it has a large skull than its body and moves in a lusty wave-like undulating locomotive movement. Noooooo,noooooo…. It moves faster and getting closer than earlier. Yes, it’s time to end and I am about to die very soonerrrrrr.
All of sudden a long stick slashed on the head of a snake. It caused uneasiness and left the snake unconscious. With the repeated strikes by human beings, snake deformed and died immediately. Now I am feeling light and relaxed. I realised the importance of second life, in which I must act respooooooooooo………………….
Some random children’s voice: I have killed 10 frogs and 5 more is in queue…. Hahahahahahhahahahahhahahahaha( suicide turned into murder)…..
Causes of death:
Killing and being killed is an usual process in any ecosystem. This normal process supports the ecosystem to function, sustain and survive. In the life of Mr.Toad, a lot more unusual things have happened which led physical disability, death of elephant and the little prince toad itself. It includes pollution-induced stress on zygote and feeding of fruits stuffed with blast substances for no reason.
Reason for unusual physical disability:
1. Human-induced climate change
2. Environmental pollution- air, water and land.
Reason for the death of the elephant and frog:
1. Irresponsible acts of human being
Neither elephant nor frog shares predator and prey relation with human beings. Still, people killing similar kind of living beings unreasonably
Steps to save Mr.Toad and all other living organisms:
1. Avoid any unnecessary action that causes stress on living organisms
Pollution causes unnecessary burden towards the entire environment. Pollution is directly responsible for human-induced rapid-paced climate change which gives no room space for vulnerable living organisms to adapt themselves in the environment.
a) Air pollution
- unsustainable power consumption
- Over dependency on fossil fuel
b) Water pollution
- Agricultural and municipal waste discharge into water bodies
- Overexploitation of surface water
c) Land pollution
- Indiscriminate usage of plastics
- Unsustainable means of solid waste disposal
Apathy towards animals led to unreasonable and indiscriminate killing of animals.
Judicial usage of electricity, setting ideal air conditioning temperature, promoting vehicle pooling methodology, mass transportation, adopting renewable eco-friendly source of power like solar, wind, electric vehicles etc and empathy towards all living organisms could enhance the biodiversity. Diversity is a key driver of a healthy environment. Health environment is essential for human survival. At least for our survival we shall take #EnvironmentPledge in the World environment day (June5) to remain responsible by adapting 5R’s methodology – Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle, and Recover.
For any queries regarding the article contact
K.G. Raamachandran
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Well written bro. Waiting for the next article
Causes of death, steps to save Mr. Toad and all other living organisms was awesome.
Nice work anna...
Thank u for writing such things....