Are you aware of Dust bins?

When I watch people daily who are engulfed in their busy schedule I feel pity. They are so busy going to their workplace, schools and colleges with lots of work to be done on most part of the day. In this busy schedule is it possible to ask whether she/he is aware of dust bins. No I am not joking. I’m damn serious. If at all I prove successful in asking this question that will only be with a result of a blow on my nose as a reward. Is a dustbin so important to us in this busy world? I can hear you!

The horrible thing in our country is the fate of the dustbins. We people tend to use things for which they are meant for. Sometimes use for which they’re not meant also. We even use the same thing for multiple works to be done. Perhaps could you imagine a thing which has its presence and often unused (I don’t mean your brain). Yeah unused, haven’t you seen trashes thrown everywhere except the exact place for which it is meant for?

Ok, I think I have prompted most of you about that exact place. Yes you are right those are dust bins. If you are so amazed getting to know that dustbins are for litters and trashes, and then this article is solely for you. Now taking this point in mind I actually feel pity for the dustbin rather than busy citizens. Oh god! with soaring oil prices and weakening of the rupee in our country, is dustbin a big issue? If no then please say what would rather be a bigger issue.

Most of us would be aware of the scheme Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, the cleanliness campaign which was mooted by the NDA in 2014. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is not the first of its kind to be introduced in India. Many such schemes were present earlier which had similar goals. So let’s come to the point. Overall these schemes have a common objective say ‘A CLEAN INDIA’.

“One, who maintains cleanliness, keeps away diseases” - Sam Veda

Cleanliness starts from oneself. The daily chores such as brushing teeth, bathing may serve the best examples. But it is completely alright not to brush and not to bath. Yeah don’t think a bit too much, after all it’s your personal wish, isn’t it. Some are very conscious that water in this anthropogenic era is a scarce resource. You should believe me they even skip their daily bath and may have them bathed once or twice a week! Ha-ha yes you too could have come across such ‘Mahaans’ living around us. The point of concern here is even such responsible citizens are not aware of dustbins. OK again to the point, not to be clean is alright until and otherwise, it affects the cleanliness of others. As so it is well and good not using dustbins in your house, having trashes spilt around you in your room. Litter everywhere you wish since it is your personal sphere. When you step out of your house you can’t do that anymore and we are accountable for the trash which is directly and indirectly generated by us or else generated to serve the needs of us. We aren’t the only species here on earth.

Chocolate wrappers, tissues, pencil shavings, water and soft drink bottles are very few among lump sum trashes that we often throw in public. Don’t you feel that our environment is polluted out of these activities? Don’t you feel dirty? What is the use of allotting a fixed place for trash bins in public places? Are they not to serve the purpose?

“ What can you and I do?” Is that your final question. Hey, hold on. You could help our country by not littering. Tell others to do the same. Just put forth your effort to make India clean. For this thing to happen you just have to “use” dust bins.

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Anuj said…
Habit of using dustbins must be brought from a young age. Schools & colleges must conduct campaigns at least twice a month to spread the importance of keeping our environment neat and clean. A well written article ! about Dust bins....
Anuj said…
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