Good sleep for a fine day.

‘Sleep is the best form of meditation’, but this is not realized by many of us. Some are night-loving and also seem proud to say that ‘I’m a night owl’. Indeed it is unusual. If there is any importance to sleep in our life then half of our psychological problems and trauma, what we are undergoing can be reduced.

What is sleep?

When we go with the definition, sleep is nothing but the state of mind and body in which the nervous system is inactive, the eyes are closed, our muscles are relaxed and our consciousness practically suspended. To be simple sleep is a condition in which our soul, mind and body need temporary rest.


The person who is regularly unable to sleep is called as an insomniac. The condition of insomnia is prevalent mostly in the age group of twenty and thirty for the reasons which could be prevented. Insomnia which occurs in older age groups are more fatal and need an expert to heal. In the first case, people tend to lose their sleep because of responsibilities they carry in life and some because of the emotional attachment towards things that don't linger in life. Some depend on medication to sleep daily and others nurture faulty habits which could affect them in the long run.

Faulty habits that may deprive our sleep

1. Coffee has become inevitable in our life. Caffeinated beverages play an important role for our refreshments. Though they make our days productive, excessive caffeine leads to insomnia. According to the research of the National Sleep Foundation, the poll observed that people who sipped two or more cups of caffeinated drinks a day were more likely to have sleepless nights.

2. Though people watch several advertisements on the negative effects of smoking they ignore it for the sake of momentary relief. Reliably, if a person smokes before going to bed, he may not fall asleep easily and have a lot of sleep disruptions.

3. Alcohol is a sedative, it is a known fact. It originally inducts sleep, but later it disrupts. Some youngsters are assuming that drinking alcohol is a much-needed break and they are living in a world of illusion, without realizing the fact ‘Health is Wealth’. To have a better sleep at night one must get rid of alcohol.

4. Eat only when you get hungry and not because you love some food, this happens with most of us. As soon as the sun sets, the intake of solid foods must be reduced. ‘Eat to live, not live to eat’.

Importance of sleep

Though, sleep is an important phenomenon for maintaining good health, getting sleep for more than eight hours at night and taking a nap for more hours in the afternoon may lead to weight gain. Whereas less sleep adversely affects the brain and cognitive function. Improper sleep may cause premature ageing of the skin and hair fall is also caused which may lead to baldness. If you are getting less than eight hours of sleep each night, there are chances for your sleep to get deprived. Even sleep deprivation may lead to death.

Sleep and Students

One must work hard to attain excellence in education, but hard work must come with proper sleep. Going to bed early and rising early the next day would prove more success and good health in the long run. For a successful student, getting quality sleep will improve their mental, emotional and physical performance. A night of good sleep also maintains hormonal balance and improves the immune system.

Sleep in other parts of the world

Finland, the Netherlands, Australia, the UK and Belgium are the countries, where people have a highly proper sleep. Korea and Japan are the world’s worst countries when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. According to Rand Corporation, the US loses the equivalent of around 1.2 million working days per year due to people not getting enough sleep. In Japan, around 600,000 working days are lost per year, while in the UK and Germany it stands at around 200,000. All these lost days have a great effect on the country’s economy. People in Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, Malaysia and Egypt are also some of those most likely to be sleep-deprived. Moriyama, CEO of the Japanese company Crazy Inc. has announced to pay employees for sleeping. Employees who slept a minimum of six hours a night for at least five days a week will be awarded points. Progress is tracked through an app and points are exchangeable for food in the company’s staff eatery for up to $ 570 per year.

Ways to enhance your sleep

Stick to a proper schedule. ‘Go early to bed and rise early’, it is the mantra for a successful person. If you follow a proper schedule of sleep for a week, the biological clock would be set automatically and you will find it very easy to begin your day afresh. Before falling asleep, you must generate a habit of doing meditation and try to get rid of any anxiety (or) depression. Try to ignore any negative emotions, if acquired during the day. Use a comfortable mattress and a pillow. Avoid using, the one you have been using for years that may have exceeded its life expectancy. Overuse of smartphones is also one of the main reasons for the present generation to have less sleep during the night. Develop a habit of not using your smartphones one hour before sleep. Always suspend your worries for small things. Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, even our troubles.

If you are still insomniac then consider treating yourself with a psychiatrist, neurologist or some other sleep specialist.

For any queries regarding the article contact

Rithanya Jagadeesh


Instagram: Rithu.30

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K.G.Raam said…
Article looks compact, colourful and well bounded capsules which could be much more sweetness if u dipped it into aspects like list of foods, physical activities to promote sound sleep... Keep it up and do continue ur writing habit ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
Mridhu Bhashini said…
Very informative and good article 😇
Raghavi Devaraj said…
Good insights..keep going
Unknown said…
It's something different.... And good...😊
Unknown said…
It was a nice start...informative
Sandhiya said…
Good blog dr.. keep going..✌️✌️
InksofIntuition said…
A good start Rithu👏Keep writing!

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