The Mystery of Pride

Human beings are amazing creatures on earth, because of the influential nature that humans posses, we tend to impact and bring change in nature. The change sometimes is positive or negative. Billions now are threatened from a deadly disease called COVID 19 caused by a virus named ‘Corona’ and still we could control the situation following various ways like social distancing, lockdown, wearing mask etc. We feel proud of ourselves for the scientific development the human has attained so far and soon hope science to produce a vaccine for this deadly disease. We are proud of this nature of humans and with pride, we hope for the best in the coming months.

According to the Oxford dictionary, “Pride a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction that you get when you or people who are connected with you have done something well or own something that other people admire”. Overall what pride gives us is a feeling of pleasure. Pride is also a belief that one is superior to all others. This feeling that to consider one dominant over other perhaps tempts us for more pride and pleasure. It sometimes prevents us from accepting the truth. In this article, I would like to discuss on few plots of pride and the effect that has on us.

National Pride

We are proud of our Nation. The tricolour flag, Ashoka Chakra, National Anthem and other national symbols remind us about the past struggles and sufferings that all Indians together experienced. We are proud of our culture and in spite of all diversities, India is standing tall for the past seventy-three years. We as citizens of this country are proud because we live here, we are part of the community here, we work here and with all that we help in building our country how it is today. Cherishing all these values and tradition we tend to have trust and work enthusiastically for a better future of the nation. Feeling proud about our country makes us feel proud of our own life. This pride associated with the past and the present of one’s nation is called the national pride. Considering the above reasons the national pride is optimistic in nature.

There are at times national pride have had pessimistic characters. The world war one and two in the past were fought among many countries to show their national pride and the world suffered a total loss of over 115 million military and civilian causalities. War showcasing one country’s pride over others is a great loss to human lives. Nationalism sometimes teaches us to hate people we have never met. Patriotism to one’s country should be shown by paying taxes regularly, following the law and being moral and trying to do the right thing.

Pride in food, clothing and Language

Culture of a region mainly includes the food we eat, the type of dress we cloth and language that we speak. In India, there are numerous cuisines. The food that we eat is classified mainly as South Indian or North Indian cuisine. People feel proud of their native food items, this pride in the food that we have for our favourite native dish does not actually affect what other people eat, but intern gives one a chance to explore various cuisine available in different regions. There is a chance that a person would admire the native food of an entirely different region and could also include the food in his day to day food habits. The best example for this is the ‘Pani Poori’ a famous north Indian chat item which was not known in south India was introduced and now most of the South Indians like the chat items and in the same way North Indians have their love for Sambhar and Dosa of the South. Shawarma is a dish originated in the Middle Eastern region and now Indians love eating it. There are also numerous examples like Burger, pizza et Cetra. The same happens with the clothes that we wear. We could wear different items of clothing which are not native to us and be satisfied wearing them on a daily basis.

Language, on the other hand, is different from food and clothing since it takes the prime preference of a large group of people in representing them. India has twenty- two schedule languages and more than 150 native languages! Everybody is proud of the language that they speak and learn. Since we have so many languages each language has its own literary works which are jewels to one’s culture. We could benefit from languages when we translate the renowned literary works available in one language to the other. For example, Thirukkural a classic Tamil language text has been translated into more than eighty languages in the world. Other great literary works from Sanskrit, Hindi has been translated to South Indian languages like Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam. William Shakespeare's work is available in many regional languages. By this way of sharing the great works, one feels proud of his language.

But when people take a contradictory turn to establish which language is great, people go crazy. Persons are identified based on the language they speak, sometimes their identity suffers a great set back when they are living in a place where the language is different from theirs. People are beaten, tortured, discriminated, and stereotyped based on the language. Language is a verbal expression of emotions that one is likely to communicate with others. Dominating one language over others should not make us proud. It destroys the peace in society. Each and every language is unique in its actual sense. Pride of one’s language must be restrained over a certain limit.

Pride in Religion and caste

India has multiple religions where Hinduism, Islam and Christianity have more number of followers. People feel proud of the religion that they belong for reasons like the teachings that up brings their moral and ethical value as described in their respective scriptures and holy books. When this feeling of pride in one religion is projected in the right direction, people could take all the righteous values from any religion and benefit in life. The ways and practices in the holy scriptures of all religions could be known by many and the society could be benefitted for a larger cause. This is not realised and people with pride in religion tend to dominate to establish one's religion as great than the other.

Emperors and Kings who ruled different parts of India are nothing but the past. Some people tend to make such kings and emperors as religious and caste symbols. By doing this they radicalize people declaring that this kingdom and king is restricted to one’s religion and caste. Leaders and kings in the past are common to all citizens in India. Their good and bad deeds are equally shared by all of us at present. There are people who are proud of many National leaders for the same reason. Another unpleasant part is when kings and leaders are identified to belong to a certain section of the society, not acknowledging the leader’s sacrifice to the country some people hate them since they hate that particular section of the society. I doubt that such things could only happen in India. Leaders should not be concealed to any particular caste or religion and we all must cherish them for the upliftment and change that they brought in the society. Caste and religion are obstacles that prevent all people from working together. Persons who are extremely oriented towards caste and religion tend to group together because individually they don’t feel that they have power. So these people work on groups who recruit more numbers until they have enough to overtake another caste or religion.

Pride and pleasure

In each of the above category of pride that we have seen, the ultimate goal is to feel superior from all others and gain pleasure or satisfaction from it. Any emotion that human sense is because of a small organ called endocrine gland present in our body which produces and releases different hormones into the bloodstream. Happiness, anger, pain, satisfaction, love, hate all are emotions that our body senses using hormones. For example, Adrenalin is a hormone that is secreted when a person feels frightened. Likewise when we feel proud serotonin is secreted. So what really matters to the body and mind is not pride but the level of serotonin. There are other better ways to secrete serotonin in the body of an individual. They are obtained through skill development.

Participating in sports, singing, dancing, artworks etc., and getting applause for the work you do will increase serotonin in your body. For these reasons countries are participating in sports events like 'Olympics', Football, Cricket etc and indirectly avoid warfare which is beneficial to both the people and the respective countries. Helping others will also give you an increased level of serotonin.  So yes! there is a better way to secrete serotonin and attain pleasure. This method needs hard work and skill development and years of practice. But Serotonin obtained by the pride with ethnicity, religion and caste doesn’t need hard work and it involves no skill development. It is for this reason people always choose the easiest path for pleasure and end with pride since the latter is difficult for specific reasons.

Being born in a certain ethnicity, caste, religion brings no pride. The real pride comes from your skill and ability to do things. People having low self-esteem need 'pride' to feel any form of satisfaction in their lives.

In the introduction part of this article, I would have stated that we are proud as ‘Humans’ for the development we have achieved. Pride in being Humans has made us think that we are the only creatures on earth. We take this planet as granted and are responsible for many species to go extinct. So even feeling proud as a human must be restrained to a certain limit.

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Unknown said…
Good work young man
Sugii said…
Phenomenal and acceptable one!!!!
S Kishore Kumar said…
Yeah we need not to take in mind that we are humans(The Great)because we are not the only species who share this planet,we are one among them and we guys named it us- "The Humans".our ultimate goal is to "Share"(ie:food,space,love etc).So please don't get "Pride" in mind and share love with one next to you, your house,land,country and neighboring species
vasanth said…
Nice but i gonna eat biriyani which will also increase my serotonin level��
Anonymous said…
Awesome content, we all should have a pride that , india is only country within 'unity in diversity'
Unknown said…
Pride which start from our birth ie millions of spe.... which one entered into bir... So your explanation is well said of our pride duty to protect our earth.
Irshad sheriff said…
Awesome man. Waiting for your next blog.
K.G.Raam said…
Nice article with good execution.. In my opinion, every species is moving forward to accomplish one or other goal. In this journey pride also gives hope to continue so ultimate goal of pride may not always superiority.At the same time I agree that pride 'may' lead to superiority complex. Because pride is a self made weapon which can be used on two ways like defensive and offensive way... Pride as defensive keeps us away from inferiority complex for example India remains as India despite having centuries of invasion( no such example available across the globe) - because India uses its pride as defensive mechanism and will live beyond our existence. On the contrary, pride as an offensive tool is a sign of decline which in one or other way becomes extinct. Therefore, Being armed(with pride) to offend others is ignorance, being unarmed is disaster and being armed to defend is better way of life.
Shiva Nagendran said…
Well written author sir. Let your Skill develop more and more and make you pride..!
ShanahOM said…
Gender perspectives may bring another poisonous pride with being dominant Sex.

Most of the pride is confused with Conformation. People are intangibly forced to being something against themselves as a Human being.

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