Shades of being - Chapter 5

M. Night Shyamalan’s movie ‘Split’ (2016) is a unique and ambitious effort to bring the 24th character, the ultimate one, into our imaginations. While the movie could be appreciated for a number of reasons, what impressed me is the concept that unravelled on the limit of human abilities. There are other movies like “Lucy” (2014) or Limitless (2011) are tried something about the boundaries of the human brain. But what makes ‘Split’ unique is its psychological angle rather than relying upon some crowd-pleasing causes and effects. 
I was excited after I watched the movie the first time, went on crazy mode. I could remember that day when I was over frenzied about the movie while I was narrating the story to my friends on the dinner table in our hostel mess. Still, I am not sure what made me crazy about this. 

We like superheroes, don’t we? Because they do something that we cannot do. In that way, we satisfy our urge to be an ultra-right person. Because we all don’t have a perfect life. Most of us do not feel like we live up to our potential. Obviously, we wanted to do something beyond our limitation. When we see someone do that for us, behalf of us we rejoice even though that is absolute fiction. We own them as our own beloved characters.

This kind of worshipping Superheroes is most profound in our childhood. Because we had not still completely impacted by the so-called wisdom yet. Today’s wisdom mostly lies in the status quo rather than evolution. Human being became the most evolved sophisticated creature which can feel and perceive the beauty of the world rather than just consume the earth. He can appreciate the beauty of nature. He can enjoy the arts. But other animals cannot do these things at the level of human being, they may consume or protect the earth but the love and appreciation for nature come ultimately from the human being.

Human being became the consumer of all sorts. Be it a consumer of material or ideology. He just tries to save himself out of evolution and keep the status quo. Unfortunately in the process of saving the human species, he started to destroy the whole chain of evolution happened in this earth. We brought full of unpleasant things against nature - The global warming and climate change, the wars and battles and the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning. 

In the world of artificial intelligence and machine learning evolution ends in the destruction of a human being. The world becomes virtual and that is dead of Human creativity but his creation. This is happening because we restrict our evolution into a being which could become something greater than a human being. Nature needs some ‘being’ more than a human being. Nature needs a ‘being’ to appreciate her, of course, she deserves more than this. Nature should not accuse us as viruses which hurts her. We too deserve better after we created endless arts and made love for nature.

Thus we need to allow ourselves to evolve by rejecting all kind of restrictions created by society and institutions. It cannot be created by ‘movements’ or protests of any sort. It has to be a form of evolution not revolution. Allowing human to realise his freedom by rejecting the pessimistic views on him. 

What we have achieved by restricting human being through norms and scriptures. Hate, wars and more blood, and more dead. It is what we experience. We cannot make nature herself feel ashamed to have us one of her own. Let’s relive as a human being and allow as evolve into more beauty. We might get a pair of wings than automated vehicles on ever poisoning atmosphere.

Rather than striving for excellence in the material world, we should give more space to the human intrigues. I do not call it spiritual. Because being spiritual has the element of seeking to be in the status quo. We should be more open to seeing possibilities beyond our institutions of relationships, family, gender binary, religions, politics, democracy and ideologies. 

Suggestions without practical solutions doomed to be failed. I can not explicitly mention here what measures needs for the natural evolution of human. I would like to consider this post itself a step towards to have a discussion on this matter. A hope!

(Thoughts are personal. Let’s celebrate the differences. And thoughts are colourful)

With thoughts,

Note: ShanaOM is the name used by the author and s(he) doesn't want to publish the original name, privacy!

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breznev said…
Smooth presentation,..enjoyed the essence of this article but could be more involved if i watched those movies mentioned..

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