Shades of being Chapter 3

The fault in our Stars (2014) film is memorable for many reasons. But in a scene when Augustus says that he fears about Oblivion, I felt myself in his place. As far as I can remember I am a dreamer of legacies. I always wanted to have an indelible print of my own being in this universe, eternally. When we grow, we accumulate the consciousness from winnings and losses and successes and failures. That consciousness will take us from the dreams into a situation of reality. The successes make us excited to achieve the legacies of own where generations are going to remember us, celebrate us. Then the fear of Oblivion comes from every failure we face in our ambitious path.

I have my fair share of both sides of the spectrum. I had to choose a path which will, in turn, give me an eternal place in this overcrowded multi-complex world. The choices were business, community service or even becoming a celebrity of a kind. I have tried all of them. When you are in a full of energy without a control valve you will be exhausted as soon as you start. That is what happened; the misguided or immature application of that precious energy was scattered everywhere. Then the most unpleasant phenomenon comes into play “inconsistency”. 

When you sailing through the inconsistency of input, output, destination and emotional state, it would be a great misery of unpredictability. But if we understood the realm of reality then unpredictability is not a curse but a platform to perform a natural play of your ‘being’. This is where I finally calmed down myself to self-evaluation. Then the questions arrived – philosophical in nature – out of experiences – about the purpose of life. What is the role this universe expects from me? How much should I desire? Do I have to concern upon whatever I face? And the ultimate question of who I am wants to be?

It doesn’t mean I was in a losing side in my journey. I had my fair share of victories. I was always a better one among my surroundings. The concern was the winnings were not big enough to save me from oblivion. 

In fact, earlier, the ambitions were set based on saving my legacies for a future where I physically became oblivion. In this context, the whole construct of my world is built for a virtual ‘being’ – who will live in the imagination of others. The real ‘being’ is comfortably forgotten and often abused itself. Here we miss the beauty of existence. The nature has given us a life to live; we have to live for ourselves first to see what actually means to be here.

I was refusing to accept the truth that existence is the ultimate reality. But the moment we start to feel the real ‘being’ we will realise the real ‘beauty’. The real ‘being’ lives in present. Loving ourselves is the first step to enjoy that beauty of existence, that is indulging in our real ‘being’. 

The uniqueness of every ‘being’ is astonishing phenomena. You cannot find a copy of your ‘being’ in any spatial or temporal dimension of this universe. You are the only one. There are no second or third copies. The original and unique is you. The way you think, the manner you behave, the way you perceive, the likes you have, the hates you keep – everything is unique. You cannot find a person even with 0.79% similarities. There are no comparisons. Just you, only you. 

The existence is cherished by a different combination of platforms - acquiring knowledge, embracing the differences, creative arts and creating anything which is consumable emotionally or physically. It can be an act of looking after your health, making love or indulge anything which does not harm another ‘being’. Forget the norms, rules or complex ‘isms’, just be yourself.

If that your ‘being’ finds your uniqueness as who makes legacies then chase that dream. But that cannot be possible without embracing the existence of ‘being’. If existence is the essence then legacies are particulars we choose to enhance the essence of our life. The essence cannot be ignored. The essence is existence. 

Celebrate your uniqueness, be yourself.
(Thoughts are personal. Let’s celebrate the differences. And Thoughts are colourful)

With thoughts,

Note: ShanaOM is the name used by the author and s(he) doesn't want to publish the original name, privacy!

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Dileep Kumar said…
Nice article. The authors words are deep and i could personally relate it to my life. Being in present is so important and in my life I'm an amateur in mastering to live life in present. The past haunts me. As the author stated not everybody is similar and all are unique, i completely accept that point. Good work.. keep writing...
Unknown said…
The flow of thoughts was superb. If the article was a bit long it would have been good. Nice work keep it up! write more......
Anonymous said…
Nice One, if there is a short story in sync added it would be more nice... :-)

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